
How to increase customer satisfaction with a service based on automation?

Benoît Mazzetti
March 19, 2024
min read

In today's business environment, customer service may have never been more influential. As competition continues to grow and intensify across many industries, and social media channels are inundated with reviews, reviews, and promotions, providing an exceptional customer experience can make all the difference to long-term success.

Plus, customer expectations are higher than ever. They want more, in less time, in a way that fits their lifestyle and schedule. Meeting their needs can help you stand out and keep them coming back to spend more. Conversely, poor service can encourage them to leave you permanently and tell all their friends about it.

That's why taking care of customers proactively and keeping them happy should be a priority. But with so many urgent and conflicting requests to deal with, it can be extremely difficult for customer service teams to deal with the situation. Time and resources are needed every day, and many organizations simply don't have enough.

So what are the factors that cause problems when it comes to serving customers?

Some common customer service complaints

We live in a world where we expect a instant gratification. Customers don't like to be kept waiting for answer their questions regarding orders, refunds, or other issues, but support teams are overwhelmed by the large number of requests they have to deal with and cannot immediately access the information they need. Les delays which result infuriate and disappoint customers.

Having to talk to different service agents and repeat the same information over and over again is also very frustrating for customers. There doesn't seem to be any single point of contact or reference for their file or request, creating the impression that they are being treated in a disorganized manner or that they are not getting the attention they deserve.

Finally, naturally not all support agents are qualified for manage and resolve any customer questions they face. They should seek advice or help from colleagues along the way. While this is logical, it may be Source of frustration for customers who find themselves referred from agent to agent or who experience delays while waiting for the right person to come free.

What can automation do?

Most customer service tasks and processes are in fact rrepeatable, repeatable and based on research and information sharing... making them ideal candidates for automation.

Designed specifically to help agents process more requests, faster automated customer service can significantly reduce the level of human involvement in advising on tasks and requests.

By taking advantage of intelligent self-service technologies such as messaging, webchat, and chatbots - which customers already know and use with ease - automated customer service Lightens the burden on agents by minimizing the time they have to spend on direct “human-to-human” interactions. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of the service per case, while ensuring that each customer benefits from a better service experience (and for agents to improve their own job satisfaction).

These technologies can take care of a range of simple and consistent service-related tasks: pre-written responses to emails and inquiries, logical responses to online discussions (if x, then y...), assignment and delegation of tasks between departments and people, and, to some extent, machine learning.

Of course, while all of these capabilities can make a big difference, automation should never be seen as a substitute for the rich, personal experiences that come from direct human interactions. She is only there for facilitate the management of certain aspects of customer service.

The benefits of automated customer service

In addition to saving time, hassle, and effort, these automated tasks and rules allow support agents to focus their skills and attention where it's most important : on each customer. They can deal with more complex issues and challenges on a case-by-case basis and focus on each customer as they go along.

Agents aren't the only ones happy, customers are happy too, for a number of reasons:

Interactions with customers are becoming more personal : Since agents have a global view of available customer data and an overview of all the previous contacts these customers have had with their business, they can react accordingly and provide a much richer and more relevant experience.

Cases and complaints are resolved more quickly : easy and immediate access to the right information allows agents to find the right or the best answer more quickly. And if they can't find it for some reason, they can quickly reassign the file to someone else who can.

The cost of the service is reduced : Automated service capabilities include the ability for customers to serve themselves in terms of simpler or more direct everyday questions and requests. These can be handled automatically with predefined answers and advice, meaning agents don't need to intervene and can spend valuable time on other tasks.

Support can be provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week : by offering automated options, customers can receive a certain level of support 24 hours a day, when they need it and through the channel of their choice. In addition, more complex cases that require human intervention can be directed to the right people based on the most appropriate time zone or skill set.

Your business reputation and brand defense are improving : Not only do happy customers buy more, more often, but they also share the good service they've received and even suggest that their friends experience it. This brand defense is something money can't buy - and it boosts your reputation.

About StoryShaper:

StoryShaper is an innovative start-up that supports its customers in defining their digital strategy and the development of automation solutions tailor-made.

Sources: StoryShaper, Bizagi

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