
The key factors for the success of your automation process

Benoît Mazzetti
March 19, 2024
min read

Intelligent automation (AI) can offer huge benefits to your organization: reduced costs, customer satisfaction, improved employee morale, compliance, and effective fraud and error prevention.

However, the digital transformation process that makes it possible can be full of pitfalls. Indeed, you may face obstacles such as resistance to change, technical challenges, inadequate or poor data, or difficulties in finding the talent or resources needed to achieve your transformation.

To help you in your transformation process, in this article, we present to you the key success factors that we have identified with our customers.

The support of Top Management

The transition of your business to intelligent automation (AI) involves a profound structural change that will have a lasting impact on your entire organization. As with any significant change, the vision and tone should be set by senior management. The sponsorship and impetus of Top Management are also essential for unlock the necessary investments to the success of the transformation.

A realistic scaling plan

Think big, but start small. Establish a multi-year plan, but make sure it's flexible and adaptable. Also establish a Profitability analysis And a high level road map for the next three years.

We recommend that you start by conducting an assessment of the possibilities of AI, by iidentifying areas that can be automated and classifying them by order of priority based on feasibility, complexity and expected impact.

The pilot project that you choose has a big impact. In particular, it can be used to demonstrate the benefits of AI to other stakeholders. It will give your transformation enough momentum to make progress in the rest of the organization. Based on this test, Then deploy the rest of the transformation in stages, gradually increasing the scale and speed of deployment to maximize its impact.

Extending the transformation to your entire organization will allow achieve economies of scale And of take advantage of the skills of each of your employees.

Finally, it is also essential to anticipate your IT resource needs and to prepare an adequate infrastructure.

Develop a culture of innovation and transformation

Your AI transformation is more than just a technology project. It's a business transformation that involves people and processes at least as much as technology. La change management And the process redesign in your plans are therefore key.

The most successful transformations that exploit intelligent automation are achieved through a clear governance who represents both business and IT. To do this, create a center of excellence (CoE) of AI, responsible for implementing the transformation in accordance with the vision of the management committee, can be a very great asset.

Take care of your digital transformation journey

AI is a large-scale, permanent change, not a one-time project. Your organization's AI infrastructure will continue to evolve as available technologies advance. It is therefore essential to build teams capable of guiding your business on this journey over the next few years.

Don't rely entirely on outside consultants. Instead, consider recruit And of train your employees to build your AI CoE. By equipping him with loyal employees who have relevant domain knowledge and an understanding of your company's culture, you can rely on him with confidence.

Whatever combination of external and internal talent you use, we recommend that you mobilize them from the very first stages of your transformation process. This will enable them to acquire essential basic knowledge and encourage them to take ownership of the results of their efforts.

A new corporate culture

Every member of your organization should understand the benefits of AI for the business as a whole and for itself. With good communication, good pedagogy, and good change management, you can encourage your employees to see AI in a positive way: as a useful tool for increase their productivity and make their work more interesting, not as a threat. Examples of other businesses or the pilot of your own business can be very inspiring as such.

Finally, we commit you to democratizing the automation process himself. Engage people in creating the changes that matter to them: encourage them to identify use cases for AI in their daily work, involve them in redesigning associated business processes, and using platforms Low-code or No-code, empower them to contribute to the development of automation solutions themselves.

About StoryShaper:

StoryShaper is an innovative start-up that supports its customers in defining their digital strategy and the development of automation solutions tailor-made.

Sources: StoryShaper, UiPath

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